Plumbing Contractor

Licencing Series


Design and size domestic treatment plant disposal systems

This unit of competency specifies the outcomes required to design, size and document the layout of domestic treatment plant disposal systems.

Licencing Series


Design and size roof drainage systems

This unit specifies the skills and knowledge required to design, size and document the layout of roof drainage systems for Class 1 and 6 buildings as defined in the National Construction Code (NCC)

Licencing Series


Type A Gas Appliance Servicing

Gain competency in CPCPGS4022 - Service Type A Gas Appliances to apply for accreditation through the VBA for Type A Appliance Servicing Work

CPC40920 Certificate IV in Plumbing and Services

This qualification reflects the role of an experienced plumbing service operator with advanced technical skills and/or responsibility for project design and supervision.